Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!

Growing up, I always used to use the excuse that I didn't "need" to wear green because I was Irish.  It was usually just a way to get out of being pinched because I just plain forgot to wear green.  Where do these traditions come from?  Alex asked me today what St. Patrick's day was about and I had to think for a minute.  "I think St. Patrick got all the snakes out of Ireland," I told her hesitantly.  "Yeah, that's what it's for!"  Her response, which was a totally appropriate 4-year old answer, "Do we have to get all the snakes out of I-land?"  "No Sweetpea, we don't.  We just wear green."

How are you going to celebrate St. Paddy's Day?  We are going ice skating (Alex has lessons on Weds.).

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